CIM 2019 Race Goals

CIM Garmin Goals.jpeg

This coming Sunday I will be running California International Marathon (CIM). My plantar fasciitis is not 100% healed but it is not terrible or getting worse. I’ve been able to complete my training so my plan is to try to run the race and then focus on recovery so I can enter my next training cycle with zero pain.

As I mentally prepare for this race, I am evaluating my time goals. I never really trusted the Garmin race predictions. They always predicted I run a way faster race than was possible. This time around, I hope that the race predictor is incorrect and that my marathon is faster. In the past, I have found the McMillan Running calculator a pretty accurate predictor of my marathon time when I use a half marathon time as the basis.

Given my training and experience, here are my race goals…

A - 3:30

My past few marathons have been around 3:35. Going into this training from the beginning, my main goal was a 3:30. I think this might still be possible if everything goes perfectly. It might be a bit of a reach given my foot but I am going in thinking positively because McMillan Running calculator also puts me right around a 3:30.

3:35 seems to be my sweet spot for marathons lately. I’m hoping if I can’t reach my A goal, I can stay consistent with my most recent marathons.

B - 3:35

My first marathon was around 3:40 and another time I always aim for if I can’t quite get to my higher goals.

C - 3:40


If it just doesn’t end up being my day out there, I want to finish AND finish not being any more injured than I was at the start. After being out of the running scene due to injury in the past, I’m always so thankful to be out there running. There used to be days that a mile would cause a lot of pain for my hips so I’m just happy to complete any race that I am able to.


I’ve been listening to some running podcasts and inspirational podcasts to help me get into the right mindset. I want to get out there, trust my training, listen to my body, finish injury free and have fun!

Is anyone else running CIM or an upcoming race? What are your goals?